Aelia Wellness Retreat

Vata Dosha Explained – Excess Symptoms & Guidelines for Achieving Balance

The Vata dosha is made up of the air and ether elements. Generally, Vata is characterized by coolness, dryness, lightness and inconsistency.

In the points below, you’ll see the characteristics that define Vata types. If you find your head nodding when you read the characteristics, you’re probably a Vata.

Typical Vata Dosha Characteristics

People who are Vata types tend to be artistic and creative. They’re light, flexible and don’t gain weight easily. Irregularity is a Vata trademark, and these types don’t like mundane routines. It leaves them listless and bored.

Vata people are quick thinkers with amazing clarity of mind when their dosha is balanced. They’re always active and don’t really like being still for long. Their erratic nature makes it hard for them to relax.

Vata people are either very short or they’re tall, but both types are often thin. The frame is narrow and light. Their hair tends to be dry and thin. While they move quickly, their endurance and strength are generally low.

Their teeth may be large and irregular, while their eyes are small. Men have a resting pulse above 70, while women have a resting pulse above 80.

Excess Vata Symptoms

When Vata is out of balance, one of the first places in their body that gets affected is the digestive system. Vata people may experience flatulence, constipation and digestive disorders.

Other health problems commonly seen are nervous disorders. The Vata type is easily excitable and they may be fearful, insecure and anxious. Since their sleep is fitful and interrupted at best, when the dosha is out of balance, they may have insomnia too.

Lower back pain, arthritis and sciatica may occur. Women may experience premenstrual tension too. Generally, most of the problems that Vata may experience will be mental in nature and as a result, the mental stress will manifest in physical stress.

To Restore Balanced in Vata Dosha

To restore balance in the Vata dosha, the most important thing to do will be to take steps to de-stress and calm down. It’ll be good to spend some time alone in meditation to get away from all the stresses and distractions of daily life.

They’ll need to restore some order in their life. Even though Vata individuals abhor routine, having regular meals and a daily routine will help to calm them down. A routine will also prevent microaggressions that commonly arise when things are unpredictable.

Vata types should stick to cooked food and avoid raw food like salads, etc. They should also try to stay warm whenever possible. It would be a good idea for a Vata type to pick up a hobby or art that allows them to put energy into these creative pursuits.

Vata types should stick to cooked food and avoid raw food like salads, etc.

A Vata diet should have fruit such as bananas, avocado, strawberries, mangoes, grapes, peaches and other citrus fruits. When cooking, it’s best to use unrefined sesame oil.

They should also consume meat such as chicken, beef and fish to strengthen their bodies. Herbs and spices such as black mustard seeds, cloves, cardamom, cumin, ginger, asafetida and turmeric should be used. The asafetida (hing) is great for helping prevent flatulence.

Dairy products should always be consumed in moderation.

Vata Dosha Summary

Vata dosha consists of the elements space(ether) and air. It can be visualized as wind and is responsible for movement within the mind and body.

From controlling the blood flow to the elimination of waste and harmful toxins to breathing and the flow of thoughts in the mind; the Vata dosha is like a predominant force that minimizes stress and feeds the creativity within you.

If the Vata dosha is in balance, you will feel energetic, enthusiastic and lively, but the moment it becomes imbalanced, it manifests problems in the body like constipation, hypertension, fatigue, digestive challenges and restlessness among others.

Natural Balance

These are just some of the characteristics and guidelines for the Vata types. If you want to learn more about your body type and get a more specific program to help bring balance back to the body and mind, book an Ayurvedic Consultation with me.

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