Aelia Wellness Retreat

Kapha Dosha Explained – Excess Symptoms & Guidelines for Achieving Balance

The Kapha dosha is made up of the water and earth elements. Generally, Kapha is characterised by soft, sticky, hard, slow and heavy. In the points below, you’ll see the characteristics that define Kapha types. If you find your head nodding when you read the characteristics, you’re probably a Kapha.

Typical Kapha Dosha Characteristics

People who are Kapha types are often strong and muscular but tend to gain weight easily. They have good teeth and their bones are strong. The skin tends to be thick and they have a broad frame.

Their hair is often thick and lustrous, and their eyes are attractive. When it comes to physical activity, they are the slow and steady type. Of the three doshas, the Kapha dosha is blessed with the most strength and stamina.

Physical exercise in the form of yoga, jogging or swimming is imperative for Kapha people to maintain a healthy body and mind.
Physical exercise in the form of yoga, jogging or swimming is imperative for Kapha people to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Personality-wise, Kapha people tend to be calm, caring and have steady moods. They’re not easily irritated, but they can be greedy and possessive.

They have a good long-term memory and most Kaphas are good at saving money. Men have a resting pulse below 60, while women have a resting pulse below 70.

Excess Kapha Symptoms

When Kapha is out of balance, they may experience excess mucus which could be bronchial/nasal discharge. They may tend to oversleep and become overweight. Their digestion will become sluggish, and combined with being overweight, diabetes may manifest.

Kapha people can be stubborn and possessive. It’s a good idea for Kapha types to exercise daily. This will keep them active and prevent lethargy from setting in. Kaphas are prone to lethargy if they lead sedentary lives. This is often mistaken for indolence when in reality, the dosha is out of balance.

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YogaEurope Yoga Studio | Nicosia and Limassol

Other health problems commonly seen are related to the joints and lymphatics. The body fluids and mucus membranes are often affected when Kapha is in excess. Fluid retention may occur, and their mental responses may be slower too.

To Restore Balanced in Kapha Dosha

To restore balance in the Kapha dosha, the most important thing to do will be to exercise daily. This dosha requires regular physical activity to function optimally. Avoid consuming sweet food, heavy meals and dairy products. All these just push Kapha into excess.

Vary your daily routine and wear clothes that have bright, strong colours. This colour therapy will invigorate you and make you feel better.

Kaphas have a tendency towards inertia. Keeping the momentum going is key to maintaining balance. Morning exercise is a great way to get the ball rolling and they’ll feel much better.

Diet has a big role to play in balancing and maintaining the Kasha Dosha
Diet has a big role to play in balancing and maintaining the Kasha Dosha

Kapha types should stick to cooked food and avoid fats and oils. A Kapha diet should have fruit such as prunes, apples, cranberries, peaches, berries and pomegranates. When cooking, it’s best to use corn or sunflower oil, but use oil in moderation to prevent weight gain.

Herbs and spices such as coriander leaves, asafetida, garlic, parsley, black pepper, chilli pepper and hot spices should be a part of the Kapha diet.

Kapha Dosha Summary

Kapha dosha consists of water and earth. It can be visualized as…. It can be visualised as clay and is responsible for creating the structure and support of bodily tissues.

It is the principle that holds the cells together and forms the muscle, fat, bone, and sinew. It controls weight, growth, lubrication for the joints and lungs, and formation of all the seven tissues — nutritive fluids, blood, fat, muscles, bones, marrow and reproductive tissues.

It helps build excellent stamina but when it goes out of balance it can also cause a person to become overweight, sleep excessively, and suffer from the problem of diabetes, asthma and depression.

Natural Balance

These are just some of the characteristics and guidelines for the Kapha types. If you want to learn more about your body type and get a more specific program to help bring balance back to the body and mind, book an Ayurvedic Consultation with me.

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