
Pitta Dosha Explained – Excess Symptoms & Guidelines for Achieving Balance

The Pitta dosha is made up mostly of the fire element. There is a tiny bit of water in there, but for the most part, Pitta is characterized by heat, sharp and strong smell.

In the points below, you’ll see the characteristics that define Pitta types. If you find your head nodding in agreement when you read the characteristics, you’re probably a Pitta.

Typical Pitta Dosha Characteristics

People who are Pitta types are usually of medium build with firm musculature. Their frame is medium-sized and generally with a fair complexion.

They have average-sized eyes and a relatively good amount of strength and stamina. The Pitta type is known for its acute and logical mind. They’re usually high achievers and tend to get a lot done.

They like cool surroundings and eating fast causes burning in their body. Mostly they sleep for short periods but often sleep soundly. They have a good memory and precise speech.

Personality-wise, Pitta people have moods that change slowly. When stressed they can have a quick temper. Men have a resting pulse between 60 and 70, while women have a resting pulse between 70 and 80.

Excess Pitta symptoms

When Pitta is out of balance, they may experience inflammatory problems and acid indigestion. They are prone to diarrhoea and fevers, because of their fiery nature.

Eczema, skin rashes and eye problems can also occur when Pitta is in excess. Pitta people can be hot-tempered and highly judgmental. Their anger, jealousy, fear and envy are exhibited when they’re out of balance.

Pittas can be impatient, but they often have a good sense of humour and can be the life of a party. They love challenges and always rise to the occasion. It would be a good idea for Pittas to take some time out to rest and calm down, every now and then.

To Restore Balance in Pitta Dosha

To restore balance in the Pitta dosha, the most important thing to do will be to stay cool. Pittas should avoid all spicy and hot foods. Fried foods should be avoided too. It would also be a good idea for Pittas to eat as little meat as possible.

They should drink lots of cool drinks and stay in cool surroundings. By taking time to rest and recuperate, Pittas will calm down and be less stressed.

Pitta Dosha people should drink lots of cool drinks and stay in cool surroundings

A Pitta diet should have fruit such as apples, grapes, watermelons, pineapples, mangoes, cherries, dates, oranges, and pomegranates. When cooking, it’s best to use sunflower oil or olive oil. Dairy may be consumed but in moderation.

Herbs and spices such as coriander, cumin, mint leaves and ginger should be a part of the Pitta diet.

Pitta Dosha Summary

Pitta dosha consists of the elements fire and water. It can be visualized as a flammable liquid, ie. fuel. Pitta controls digestion, metabolism, and energy production. The primary function of Pitta is transformation.

Those with a predominance of the Pitta principle have a fiery nature that manifests in both body and mind.

Pittas have a lustrous complexion, perfect digestion, abundant energy, and a strong appetite. When out of balance, Pittas may suffer from skin rashes, burning sensations, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, heartburn, and indigestion.

Natural Balance

These are just some of the characteristics and guidelines for the Pitta types. If you want to learn more about your body type and get a more specific program to help bring balance back to the body and mind, book an Ayurvedic Consultation with me.

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