Dominate Eco-Travel by Carbon Offsetting: Love the Planet and Balance Out Your CO2 Emissions

Carbon offsetting is a contemporary deed to compensate for your greenhouse gas emissions. Since climate change has become an urgent matter requiring urgent solutions, carbon offsetting has grown in popularity. Often, we forget that climate change is a global issue. So, think of offsetting as a cross-border action. You produce CO2 in the US but can offset it in India. Whether you want to offset your air travel or stay in a hotel, we have put together some useful information. Yet, keep in mind that first, we should strive to minimise our environmental footprint overall and then start offsetting.

Climate change and greenhouse gases

Climate change refers to the changes that our planet endures. Some of these are global warming, rising sea levels, shrinking mountain glaciers, diminishing biodiversity, and accelerating ice melt. According to NASA, 97% of scientists and climate experts agree that we are the cause of climate change. Thus, it’s in our hands to prevent temperature rise above 1.5⁰C, which will have irreversible effects on our environment. In other words, extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes and typhoons will be more common. On the other hand, regions will undergo droughts and heatwaves. Besides, the ocean surface will get warmer, disturbing the life of corals and marine organisms.

The greenhouse effect is extensively responsible for climate change. Technically speaking, without greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, Earth would be too cold to sustain life as we know it. However, the more fossil fuels we burn, the more radiation the atmosphere absorbs, and the warmer it gets. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), if temperature rises above 1.5⁰C, the damage to Earth’s life will be irrevocable. For this reason, in December 2015, the United Nations reached an agreement, known as the Paris Agreement. Member states bound themselves to stabilize and reduce their greenhouse emissions.

The Greenhouse Effect.
Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases now, climate change wouldn’t come to an end instantaneously. Actually, it could take centuries for it to fade away since carbon dioxide lingers in the atmosphere for years. Therefore, it is crucial to understand that our current actions will strike us in years to come.

What is Carbon Offsetting

A carbon offset is a fee you contribute to greenhouse gases reduction project of your choice. For example, if you produce an x amount of carbon during an international flight, the offset will prevent the release of this amount of carbon elsewhere. But how do you know the quantity of greenhouse gases you create? Fortunately, there are free online calculators to match your carbon emissions with the money you should pay to offset them. Practically, carbon offsetting is the most reliable and fastest way to reduce your carbon footprint as an individual or company.

Carbon Offsetting: Explained

Why offsetting

The average person can’t drop their emissions to zero. Nevertheless, to minimize the harm we do to the environment, we should all reduce our carbon emissions. Besides, the emissions we can’t avoid, we can offset somehow. Carbon offsetting helps the environment and supports local communities in the most vulnerable to climate change countries. Of course, carbon offsetting as an isolated action won’t bring great results. Individuals, businesses, and governments must primarily work towards reducing CO2 emissions and then offsetting.

Choose an offset project

Carbon offsetting projects are voluntarily and sponsored by non-governmental or private organisations. For example, My Climate offers global offsetting projects in the areas of waste management, alternative energies, forestry, and more. There are no less than 80 projects to choose from! When selecting an offsetting project, it’s essential to ensure that the organisation uses a reliable carbon emissions calculator and its standards are globally applicable. Gold Standard non-profit organisation certifies carbon emissions-related projects that are following the environmental ethics and sustainable development goals.

Here’s what to look for when choosing an offset project:

  • Is it ongoing and concrete?
  • Are the results tangible?
  • Has it been certified by a reliable organization?
  • Is it an offset project, or is it being financed in other ways?
  • What percentage of your money is going to the offsetting project per se?

Remember that smaller energy and conservation organizations offer equally efficient projects.

Balance your carbon emissions – carbon offsetting is contemporary deed to compensate for your own personal greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon neutrality for the aviation industry

A carbon-neutral business is a business that balances out its carbon emissions. Such companies measure their carbon footprint, set carbon management strategies, and donate to or establish offsetting projects. Carbon neutrality doesn’t only boost the company’s competitiveness but also promotes global sustainability and highlights emissions reduction goals. On this basis, some of the biggest airlines (e.g., The Emirates, Qantas, Delta, British, United, and Air Canada) offset passengers’ emissions produced during their flights. Others participate in projects and offset their own carbon emissions. Similarly, airports are making efforts to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

As a passenger, here are some ways to reduce your carbon footprint, if you cannot avoid travel by air.

  • Fly directly. Landings and takeoffs use more fuel and produce more emissions.
  • Travel in the economy class. According to World Bank research, passengers in first and business classes have up to nine times higher carbon footprint. Why? Because they are allowed more luggage and are sparsely distributed.
  • If you cannot reduce the number of flights, offset!